I have been going through my old journals, must be the change of season and the desire to bring forth something new in my life. Do you know the feeling?
Odd really, I have been journaling for years and never looked back into them, tired of re-reading the same stories that go through my mind until changing my approach, I let go of words stitched one after the other into phrases, into paragraphs, into stories…
I am an artist, a visual-somatic thinker, nonlinear thinking is my paradise!
So, my daily rambles blend words and images on the same pages, my mind moving from one another seamlessly. It is true certain things can only find their truest expression somewhere in between it all. I love the process, it refreshes my attitude towards the day ahead and allows an uncontrived stream of imagination.
Going through the booklets before tossing them as fodder to the wood stove, certain images called to me. There was such vitality in some of the sketches, an energy that I find is often lost in more “finished” works. But really what is more complete than an instant, if one is truly present and uncontrived?
Ripping the pages out became a very satisfying gesture to act upon what to keep, what to let go? As putting pieces back together in a different order, allowing the “messiness” reveals an internal logic, the gaps in the stories became not only interesting, curious but full of a new momentum that transpires into my daily life…. isn’t this the wisdom of journaling???
So rather than keeping the images safely tucked away between the covers of my personal journal I am sharing these adventures, for the joy their creation brings to me.
A small collection is shaping up that for now I am calling ” Histoires Décousues ” or “Unstitched Stories”.
Hope you have fun filling in the gaps.
To kick it off here is the journal’s wisdom of the day,
“Just Go, the heart is a butterfly”

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