Woman-Centered Coaching

guidance, tools and practices for vitality and renewal

Did you know that there is growing scientific evidence that compassion is an evolutionary force because it release oxytocin, also known as the love and bonding hormone in the body?



Did you know that women share 21 limiting belief patterns that hold them back because they are buried in our subconscious mind held in a self isolated from love and compassion?

Healing is relational. Healing is a creative act.

It is ultimately the turning  towards ourselves and  others, again and again fearlessly with radical compassion.

It is both deeply personal and altruistic.


We cannot journey alone, as a matter of inter-connectedness, we never do…




Woman-Centered Coaching is a living process that reconnects us with our deepest truths. It is only by identifying our limiting beliefs that we can transform them.

Transformation unfolds by turning towards ourselves with determined self-love and fearless compassion.

With tender with-nessing our authentic selves emerge firmly grounded in an understanding of wholeness as honest, loving and sacred dialogues between our bodies, minds and emotions.




It would be my deepest honor to be your guide, uplift you when you falter and celebrate your successes with you!



Your dreams and talents matter.

Growing wings is possible, but we can’t do it alone.


Why not you?

I stand with you.


Do you seek refuge in nature? Close to horses?

Is there any more mysterious idea for an artist than the conception

of how nature is mirrored in the eyes of an animal?

How does a horse see the world, or an eagle, or a doe, or a dog?

Franz Marc



women and horses


limited spaces • Feb. 15, 2025

pre-registration requiered by Feb. 9,


2 hrs for 7 weeks

Times  and days to be announced

as the group forms

This is a limited time

reduced offer of $750.


book a discovery call

and find out if this is for you.


may be the perfect place for us to connect as explorers and set aflame the creative re-visioning of how we inhabit this web of life.

I am looking to form small groups of curious, deep connection seeking woman to join me in creatively holding this question. These mini-series are offered as part of a course creation project nested within the framework of the Woman Centered Coaching Institute


• Exploring the realtionship to horses as improvisation

• Introduction to the somatic Life|Art Process

• Embodying the 3 feminine power centers

• Discovering and tracking  a woman specific limiting pattern

• Mindful communication tools

• Entering into the power of a safe growth container

• Sisterhood and friendship




Exploring how horses can help us tap into the higher potentials of our lives and dreams by illuminating our invisible inner barriers and their unraveling.


embodied confidence?

authentic freedom?

feminine power

grace and connection

from myth to reality 


please note this is not about horse training or riding even though this process will more than likely enhance your connection. Attracted but don’t have a horse? No problem just come with a heart full of curiosity for the spirit of the horse.

Therapists and equine experiential learning facilitators welcome.

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